NOTE that this FAQ is meant mainly for Freespace 1 Multiplayer errors and questions, but due to
the similarity of the two games multiplayer, any question/error in FS2 multi should be the
same as the FS1 equivalent. If you know of any errors or have any questions not said in this tutorial, then please
contact me.
- --> What is "PXO", and how does it work?
- --> How do I start out playing Freespace online?
- --> I can usually log onto PXO, but today it freezes at "validating pilot", and eventually just times itself out
- --> When I host a multiplayer game I get a "you have a hacked ships.tbl" or "you have a hacked weapons.tbl" error, and stats aren't saved.
- --> What is a "validated" mission, and how do I get a mission I made validated?
- --> When I host a game, missions that came with the game don't save stats, they aren't "validated".
- --> What can I do to reduce lag in-game?
- --> When I host a game it says I have "low object updates" on. What are "object updates" and how do I change them?
- --> When I try to join a game I keep getting an error: "Could not connect to server on reliable socket".
- --> I can host a game, but no one who tries to join can see it!
- --> How do I send messages in-game?
- --> When a multiplayer game is finished, and it's a validated mission, why do stats not save on a particular mission occasionally? It gives an error, like "Stats not saved", etc.
- --> When I view my or someone elses "pilot stats", their stats (usually ship kills) are different when i'm in a chat room and when i've created or joined a game. Why's this?
- --> Is it possible to play a game with my friends online, but without going through PXO (this is useful when PXO is down, or when you want less lag, etc.)
- --> How do I get a different pilot picture?
- --> The other day I was flying, when suddenly everything went black. I could not move, send messages, or even exit the game. I just saw the HUD, and a black screen behind it. What is this?
- --> How do I get promoted, and how do promotions work?
- --> I want to get medals, how do I get medals, and what requirements must I meet?
- --> Sometimes when I'm in-game, Freespace crashes to Windows, and a debugger pops up, saying there is an error, etc.
- --> Occasionally in-game (particularly near the end of a mission) I see an AI ship flying, but yet I can't kill it, and no one else in-game is able to target the ship. It just flies straight, at the same speed. What is it?
Note that this page is still under construction, and some (most) of the links may not currently work.